Thursday, November 27, 2008

What to do...

Sometimes we don’t know what to do in a classroom because of students’ behavior; we don’t understand what’s going through their minds and what are they thinking about us and the class… this can cause problems and in some cases desmotivation (student and teacher)
That’s why we need to analyze them; try to be in their shoes in order to become their friends and know their feelings, thoughts, likes etc.

What do you think is the best way to do that??


Carito Acevedo said...

Hi Camila,
Your blog is a little bit short but the topic is a key issue; you see the relationship teacher-student and the importance of knowing what our students think and feel. I suggest changing the position of the first photo because it is a little bit difficult to read the text. =)

Anonymous said...

hi cami!! sometimes be in our Ss' shoes is kind of complicated! we are not thier age nor their social status ... it's like we went throught that time already so we see things in a completely different way!... i have students who are ver snobish something that i personaly hate, being in their shoes is hard because i tend not to toletare that kind of behavior... however i think that the best way to be on their shoes is remembering ourselves in that time... what we liked to do etc.. I know time changes but kids will always be kids, so sometimes I like to do thinks with my students that I used to do whenIi was a child

Lucy said...

hi camila!
i like your blog baby and i also like your topic, i think that every single teacher must know what is going on with his/her students, i know that sometimes we just want to listen what we want but sometimes there are other facts to take into account at the time to evaluate, analyse and teach our students, good job honey!

luz Helena

Lina said...

Hi Camila
with this blog you explore not only the students' minds, but also our human part at the moment of teaching, because as teachers we must make our job, yes, we teach, but in the classroom students demand more than that, they need some times our humor sense to cheer up, our ears to listen their problems, our shoulders as a support,and so on, so it is really interesting that you take part of this matter because it make us better as human beings and teachers.

Anonymous said...

that is a difficult question :p .. sometimes u just want to run away from them ... but with time and patient you realize how they think and react to situations... I think the best method is testing and evaluating what u do everyday and looking for the appropiate tools for the students ... but you can't expect miracles .. there are good days and other not like that

Juliana Diaz said...

my china haha...difficult one! well, I think we need time to communicate with them sometimes we don't what's going on in their minds! if they have a strange behavior it is because they have a problem. i try to do that but is know... we rarely have time.